Monday, April 13, 2015

Out of the mouth of babes

It’s been a long week of regular classes and Coppelia rehearsals so that by the time Saturday rehearsals came around a lot of the dancers were more than a little tired and getting careless, me included.

The start of the third act is when the Duke appears and walks across the stage acknowledging the bows from the towns people. Music starts and no Duke, little hand tugs on my sleeve “Aren’t you the Duke” she asks “I am” I reply then turn back to watch the activity on the stage. Moment later another tug on my sleeve from the same little hand “Aren’t you supposed to be on stage?” It then hits me I am not paying any attention and am late which forces a restart of ACT III.

After the act finished a very embarrassed me walked over the owner of that little hand and thanked her for reminding me of my cue and apologized for ignoring her prompt.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


We all use analogies to describe something to someone especially when it’s a little abstract and it’s no difference in a dance class and can be “little” female centric and times.

In the past I’ve been told to use my bun to help me find my center, or imagine that I want to keep my long earrings from touching my shoulders as a means of keeping my head erect. My all time favorite came the other night in a modern class when the instructor was trying to help a bunch of beginning students get the proper feel for collapsing from the upper shoulders during a movement across the floor, she said to imagine our boobs getting heavy and pulling us downward. Really didn’t have anything relate to that but I pretended as best I could.