Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Beginnings of the Second Nutcracker

So after some sage advice from my youngest daughter, who basically said the same thing back to me when she had difficulty choosing between two parts that had been offered to her to go with the first offer unless she just didn’t want to do it at all. So with that in mind I took the offer to do the Party Scene from the first studio that offered. Few days after saying yes I get a email with all the full cast list. Already know who my partner is going to be, and somewhat comfortable around Melissa as she and I did a little partnering in character class during the summer intensive. Interesting that unlike last year where the Artistic Director drafted dads, moms and boyfriends to fill in the adult parts, this director is using male and female dancers, even pulling a couple in from his professional company. Ought to make rehearsals interesting.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Summer SI Revisited

Wlep so much for keeping up posts during my Adult Summer intensive, needless to say it was both exhausting and fun and the same time. Only took a couple of days to get into the flow, of hour long warm up and conditioning, followed by two hours of barre and center floor work with some jump combinations for the men while the ladies did basic pointe work, which the men were expected to do in between jump combos. 30 minute lunch and on to an hour of character class followed up by hour long lecture on Ballet History. Out of all of this the character classes were the most difficult and the most fum, most everything was new and challenging and just about every rule I ever learned about classical ballet was broken plus I had to learn how to be flamboyant with "look at me" attitude, which just isn't me. On the flip side there is a lot of foot work that let me draw on all my years of tap training and actually made it easier for me. I'll get to keep working at it as the adult character classes proved so popular that they are supposed to continue through the Fall and Winter Sessions. Last day of class the AD of the studio asked me to do the Party Scene for his Nutcracker production, now I have to choose as the other studio I take classes at is also doing a Nutcracker production and has also asked me to be part of the Party Scene the next day. Decisions, decisions